
1963— Construction of the central water supply system in g.Luninets

1974 — construction of the first sewage treatment plants, SCTC, RKNS and central collector sewer networks in Luninets

1974 — construction of water supply systems in g.Mikashevichi

1975 — Put into operation the city sewage treatment plant the city-forming enterprise Luniniets electric plant

1976 — built abstraction “Case-1” in g.Mikashevichi

1 июня 2000 — beginning of activity of Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Vodokanal” Water supply and sanitation as a legal entity

2001 – 2006 — reconstruction of water intake in g.Mikashevichi; Education 
abstraction “Case-2» 

2005 — Enacted Water meter repair workshop and verification vodomerov- Accreditation of Laboratory g.Lunints two (intake and laboratory laboratory treatment plants)

с 2005 — to begin construction and reconstruction of water supply and sanitation in the agro-town:

  • 2005 — ar. Poleski 
  • 2006 – ar. Luninsky, ah. Lobchansky, ah. Redigerovsky, ah. Lyubachinsky

2006 — SCTC and modernization of treatment facilities g.Luninets

2007 —Reconstruction of the water intake of Luninets, construction ar. Gorodok, ah. Chuchevichsky, ah. Butler, AG. Mezhlesky

2008 — ar. Vulkovsky, ah. Bogdanov, ah. Sinkevichsky, ah. Dyatlovichsky

2010 — ar. Bostyn, ah. Red Will build water networks in the agro Luninsky, Lobchansky, Lyubachinsky, Gorodok, Chuchevechsky, butler Bogdanovsky Sinkevichsky, Dyatlovichsky, Luban

2011 — started reconstruction of treatment facilities in Luninets

2011 – 2012 — construction of sewerage network in the village. Kożangródek

2012 — reconstruction of treatment facilities in n. Poleski

2013 — Construction iron removal station d. Luban

2011- 2013 — construction of water supply system in the village. Lyuscha

2013 — the construction of an artesian well in the village. Rakitnoe, construction of water supply in the village. K. Township, construction of water supply system in the town of Luninets

2014 — construction of water networks in Luninets on the street. Skaryna str. Friendly, the reconstruction of treatment facilities, construction of water supply systems in the district №12 Mikashevichi, laying of water networks to individual dwelling house, more than 10 km

2015 — laying of water networks in Luninets on the streets Lakhovsky, Bogdanova, Gorodetsky, Skaryna; laying of water networks in ar. Poleski, ah. Redigerovo, ah. Bostyn, ah. Luban;

2016 — laying of water networks in ar. Luban, ah. Sinkevich, ah. Dyatlovichi.