Electronic appeal

Method of submission of electronic appeals

Electronic appeals of citizens, including individual entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as citizens), and legal entities are sent by posting a special “electronic appeal” in the special section on the official website of the Luninetsky KUP WKH “Vodokanal”.

In accordance with The Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 18, 2011 “On applications of citizens and legal entities” electronic appeal is Belarusian or Russian languages.

An electronic appeal of a citizen must necessarily include:

  • surname, first name, patronymic or initials of the citizen;
  • address of the place of residence (stay) of the citizen;
  • citizen e-mail address;
  • statement of the essence of the treatment;

The electronic reference of a legal entity must necessarily include:

  • name of company;
  • adress of the organization;
  • e-mail organization;
  • statement of fact Appeal;

For e-applications supplied by representatives of the applicants, must be accompanied by electronic copies of documents confirming their powers.

Review of electronic circulation shall be effected by written declaration or a declaration in electronic form in the same way that an e-mail message was sent.

Term of consideration of e-applications

Electronic Applications should be considered within 15 days from the day following the date of registration of treatment and require additional study and testing – no later than 1 month.

Answers to e-applications are sent electronically to the email address specified in the e-applications, or in writing at the address of the place of residence (stay) or a citizen of the legal entity in cases established Law of the Republic of Belarus of 18 July 2011 “On citizens and legal persons”.

Are left without consideration of the merits Petitions who (which):

  • not in Belarusian or Russian;
  • do not contain a surname, own name, patronymic, address of the place of residence (place of stay) of the citizen;
  • do not contain the full name of the legal entity and the address of its location, surname, own name, patronymic of the head or a person authorized in accordance with the established procedure to sign appeals (for legal entities);
  • contain a text that can not be read;
  • contain obscene or offensive words or expressions;
  • are subject to review in accordance with the legislation on constitutional legal proceedings, civil, civil procedural, economic procedural, criminal procedural legislation, legislation determining the procedure for the administrative process, legislation on administrative procedures or in accordance with legislative acts established a different procedure for filing and reviewing such appeals;
  • contain questions that do not fall within the purview of the addressee;
  • the period for filing a complaint is missed without good reason;
  • a second appeal has been filed and there are no new circumstances in it;
  • with the applicant, correspondence has been discontinued.

Electronic appeal for citizens

Send email

Electronic circulation for legal entities

Send email