The trade union

What is a trade union?

The trade union is an association of workers of the enterprises, establishments, the organizations of various organizational-legal forms of ownership, students and pupils of professional educational institutions. They are united in order to protect each other from the arbitrariness of the employer and his representatives, to work together to achieve better working conditions and pay for it, to simply help each other in difficult times.
The employer is stronger and better organized. He has funds and specialists.
You are not a businessman or a businessman, but a hired worker who can offer his labor in the labor market. And such as you are millions.
To declare and defend their interests, to protect themselves from the intentions of employers to solve their own problems at the expense of the working people, hired workers have long been united in PROFESSIONAL UNIONS.
The employer will never distribute the benefits voluntarily. Workers must stick together to achieve results. We are the Belkhimprofsoyuz, we offer you protection and support. For this, we have the rights granted by law and experience, and most importantly – the solidarity force of unity.
The Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, of which we are a member, is more than 4 million trade union members, 28 branch affiliates.

What for to the worker the trade union?

The word “trade union” has become familiar to us, and it is usually associated with the provision of material assistance, the distribution of permits and the organization of cultural and mass work. All these trade unions are engaged in, but the main tasks and main objectives of the trade union in the representation and protection of social and labor rights and the interests of its members. Non-payment of wages, stopping enterprises, illegal dismissals, unemployment are characteristic features of our time. The trade union is the only organization that has a legitimate right to represent the interests of workers and is able to protect them in practice. The basic agreements that the trade unions conclude with the employer are recorded in a document called a collective agreement. It contains a lot, and not only about the salary. There, the issues of labor protection, labor and rest time, social benefits and guarantees, etc. are considered. Be sure to read this document (available from the chairman of the trade union organization). A collective agreement is a legal document adopted at an enterprise, in an institution, or in an organization. Trade unions are closely monitoring the implementation of the agreement with members of trade unions. You can ask: what are the rights of the trade union? Our rights are enshrined in the Conventions of the International Labor Organization (elements of national legislation), the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Trade Unions”, the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus, as well as in legislation regulating social partnership issues, namely: the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Protection labor “; Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus of July 15, 1995 No. 278 “On the development of social partnership in the Republic of Belarus”, of May 5, 1999 No. 252 “On the National Council for Labor and Social Affairs”, of July 19, 2005, No. 327 “On additional measures for protection of labor, social and economic rights and interests of employees “, dated May 6, 2010, No. 240” On the implementation of public control by trade unions “and on June 29, 1999, No. 348” On the Republican Labor Arbitration “, etc.  WITH US RELIABLE!

What does the trade union do?

– ВThere is a negotiation with employers, with representatives of authorities on problems of social and labor relations. On behalf of employees, it concludes agreements and collective agreements, monitors their implementation; – Supervises employers’ compliance with labor laws; – It requires the termination of the contract or dismissal of the heads of enterprises and structural subdivisions, their deputies, if they grossly violate the labor legislation, do not fulfill their obligations under the collective agreement, display bureaucracy, allow red tape; – Achieves employment, wage increases and its timely payment; – Participates in collective labor disputes. If necessary, conducts collective protests, including strikes; – Provides free consultations on economic and legal (labor, housing, pension) issues; represents and defends the interests of members of the trade union in the bodies that are considering labor disputes (labor dispute commission, court); – Nominates its representatives to protect the interests of members of the trade union in the commission on social insurance, on labor disputes, in the commission for monitoring the work of the pension and medical funds, the employment center, etc.; – Through their bodies, labor protection inspectorates and commissioners carries out monitoring of the state of labor and environmental protection; – Nominates his representatives to the commission for the investigation of accidents at work; – Through the Palaces, the House of Culture, sports complexes, libraries, children’s clubs and health camps, it conducts cultural, educational and sporting activities among workers and their families. – Any worker can become a member of a trade union without the permission of the employer or the state.

Why you need to be a member of the union?

As a member of the trade union, you become a participant in an organized labor movement. Participating in the collective actions of the trade union, you will be able to influence the situation at your workplace, in the industry, in the region, in the country and thereby improve your position and position of your workmates. There is safety in numbers. Because only a member of the trade union has the right to count: – on the protection of the trade union in case of dismissal at the initiative of the employer (in cases stipulated by the Labor legislation); – to the aid of the trade union organization and its bodies in case of violation by the employer of the labor, collective agreement; – on assistance in resolving issues related to labor protection, compensation for damage caused to health in the performance of labor duties; -to a free consultation on labor economic, legal, and other socially significant issues; – to receive financial assistance from the means of the trade union budget for vouchers to children’s health camps, visits to children of groups and sections; – to receive material assistance from the means of the trade union, loans, becoming a member of the mutual assistance fund.

Poluyanchik Sergey Nikolaevich

Chairman of the primary trade union organization

Contact Information

Sackevich Lyudmila Vasilyevna

Treasurer of the primary trade union organization

Contact Information

The work plan of the trade union committee of Luninetsky Vodokanal for 2018

1. On the implementation of the collective agreement for 2017  

Responsible: Poluyanchik S.N.

Period of execution: December

2. The report of the trade union committee on the work done for 2017 and the further actions of the trade union organization for the protection of the rights and interests of the trade union.

Responsible: Poluyanchik S.N.

Period of execution: February 29th

1. Organize and work on a subscription to the newspaper “Belaruskiy chas” for the second half of 2017 and the first half of 2018

Responsible: Poluyanchik S.N.

Period of execution: May, November

2. On the implementation of the plan of measures to improve working conditions, fire safety and industrial safety for 2017

Responsible: Sinkovets A.K.

Period of execution: June

3.About the work plan of the trade union committee for 2018 год

Responsible: Poluyanchik S.N.

Period of execution: December

4.Operative control over the state of labor protection and fire safety at the sites and sites of the enterprise

Responsible: Poluyanchik S.N., Sinkovets A.K., But-Gusaim P.P., public safety inspector

Period of execution: February 29th

1. Prepare and compile statistical reports for 2017

Responsible: Sackevich L.V.

Period of execution: December

2. Update visual agitation, a corner of the trade union asset

Responsible: Poluyanchik S.N.

Period of execution: During the year

3. To take part in holding ceremonial meetings dedicated to the Day of the Public Service Worker and the Housing and Communal Services, the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, Women’s Day, May 1, Victory Day, Independence Day, New Year

Responsible: Poluyanchik S.N., Radionovich D.A.

Period of execution: During the year

4. Ensure the participation of the sports team in regional and regional competitions

Responsible: Poluyanchik S.N.., Radionovich D.A.

Period of execution: During the year

5. Organize and hold competitions in the framework of the year-round sports days (checkers, chess, darts, billiards, etc.)

Responsible: commission for cultural mass work

Period of execution: During the year

6. Organize visits to theaters, exhibitions, concerts with partial payment of tickets

Responsible: commission for cultural mass work

Period of execution: During the year

7. Organize tourist trips to the historical places of Belarus

Responsible: commission for cultural work

Period of execution: During the year

8. Present New Year’s gifts to children of trade union members and trade union members

Responsible: commission for cultural mass work

Period of execution: During the year